Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Snow, snow, GO AWAY!!!

This is our minivan. I haven't driven it all winter. I really don't like driving in the snow. That may or may not have to do with the fact that I almost drove me and my sisters off a seemingly large cliff when the roads were covered in snow up at Woods Lake. I still have nightmares.

This is the view from the girl's bedroom upstairs. This is looking down right where my garden will be. This week we had one good day where the snow started melting. And then it snowed again. And the wind blew really hard. And it's cold. That's all.


  1. Oh man, that's a lot of snow! Are the swing set and chicken coop just as covered? What do you do with the dog and the pigs in their corrals?

  2. Has any of it melted yet? I am looking forward to spring, but I bet you are even more than me!
