Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally...sort of.

No pictures...I am having camera problems. Mostly it's that my camera is never where I want it to be when I want to take a picture...and partly because my rechargeable batteries are getting to have a very short lifespan.

But anyway...thought I would just update that we did finally pass our inspections and got to move into our house. We got our official Certificate of Occupancy, which I really thought would be an actual certificate that I could frame and put a back light on or something. But no, nothing... Just a pat on the back...wait, no...didn't get that either. I am feeling pretty proud that we actually pulled it off. Now I plan to spend whatever good weather we have left (by "good" I mean not horrible) to finish up the siding and the attached greenhouse. After that I get to focus on the finish work inside like mudding and texturing drywall, tilework, trim, painting, etc. Hopefully I will have that all done before spring comes and I want to be outside all the time. (Uh, oh...I am already looking forward to that.)

As much as I hate winter, I think I have decided that I DO like the changing of the seasons and that I AM looking forward to a more restful winter. I plan on reading, catching up on schoolwork with the kids, actually getting to play my cello and maybe my guitar...oh, and I guess all the finish work on the house. Maybe it won't be restful after all.