Friday, November 13, 2009


Ummm...I meant "swellfire and brickstone"...not "hellfire and brimstone". That's what we've been up to. We finally got our wood stove installed and we got a load of free paving bricks from Joseph's dad, so I've been working on a walkway in the front "yard" like mad before the snow comes. I wanted to get a picture taken but the snow beat me to it and covered up all my work. Turns out that the snow all melted and I got a picture anyway. Mom and Dad, thanks for the chimney pipe-saved us a lot of $. Yes, that is the look you get on your face when you know you won't be cold tonight.

Friday, November 6, 2009

I've Been Dreaming of Blogging...

That's right...I am now living my dreams. I am officially a "Blogger". It feels good...really it does. I love to read about the innermost
workings of a complete stranger's personal life. Less often, I even know the person...and that's fun too...a way to connect in a less vulnerable way. Quite my style.

So, a lot has happened to us as a family in the last few years, and I wish I would have documented them better. Our life gets better and more exciting by the day and I'd like to share some of these things with you, whether you know me or not. I have been desiring a connection with more people, but I don't know how to in real life, and this is safer anyway. (The worst you can do is leave a bad comment). So here it goes...