Wednesday, January 27, 2010

This is just another beautiful sunrise from our front door. We have a great view of the Tetons.

This is a picture of the sheep herd coming down our road. They do this a few times every year and we always find it a blast to go out and watch.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Top-Bar Beehive

Beekeeping is in my blood. (I miss you, Grandpa). For a long time now I have wanted to keep my own beehive, but it's just so darned expensive. So when I happened across some plans to build my own hive(and I already had the lumber I would need) I was very excited. Here's a few pics of the start of the process. Garrison is very into this project, too.
By the way, with this method of beekeeping you don't have to have a lot of money to start out and it is a very easy process to harvest your honey, although the yield is less than what you would get with the traditional Langstroth frame boxes. I am convinced that this is the best method for us though. We'll see.